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Embracing intelligence to realize "breaking cocoon into butterfly" of environmen

2021-06-30 23:12:00

2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year for many people, especially for the sanitation industry. The competition brought by the rapid development of industry marketization; The social responsibility and responsibility brought by the anti epidemic security work; The industry revolution brought by the application of new technologies represented by AI and 5g; Cost pressure brought by waste classification; Talent gap brought by industrial upgrading... In this almost "sudden" change, how can traditional environmental sanitation enterprises break through themselves and achieve a gorgeous "turn"?

Chen Liyuan, executive vice president of China Urban Sanitation Association and general manager of zhonghuanjie environment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "zhonghuanjie"), was interviewed by the media on the occasion of the "2020 annual meeting of China Urban Sanitation Association and 2020 China Environmental Sanitation Expo". For the future development of the sanitation industry, Chen Liyuan's answer can be summarized as "four modernizations", that is, marketization of the industry, normalization of epidemic prevention, refinement of management and rejuvenation of personnel.

Marketization of industry -- full competition to promote industrial upgrading

According to the calculation, the total scale of the national sanitation operation market is about 300 billion yuan. In the past, the government departments were not only the regulators and demanders of the sanitation industry, but also the implementers of the sanitation work. In recent years, with the government streamlining administration and delegating power, from "integration of management and management" to "separation of management and management", the marketization rate of sanitation has increased rapidly, reaching about 50%. As for the effect and future development direction brought by the marketization of the sanitation industry, Chen Liyuan replied: "the advantages of marketization of the sanitation industry are reflected in the changes brought about by the traditional management mode of the sanitation industry. To sum up, it has "six characteristics": separation of management and management, transfer of expenses as the case may be, overall planning of resources, controllable quality, adjustable cost and visible effect. "

The picture shows Chen Liyuan, executive vice president of China Urban Environmental Hygiene Association and general manager of zhonghuanjie, communicating with the guests

Marketization can effectively achieve unified standards and overall management. The government only needs to manage and dispatch professional teams, with higher efficiency of resource allocation, clearer management boundary and clearer division of responsibilities; After marketization, enterprises will introduce standardized management system, establish and improve management system, optimize operation process, improve operation level, and realize professional lean management.

"The full competition brought by marketization urges enterprises to continuously upgrade their industries. Take sanitation machinery for example, first of all, the government's original assets are accepted by market-oriented enterprises, and they are used, managed, repaired and maintained to give full play to the value of state-owned assets; As for the government's original equipment configuration is not enough, through marketization, we can introduce professional enterprises to update and invest in mechanized operation equipment, and effectively use machinery to replace labor to improve the mechanization rate.

"As for the future development of the marketization of the sanitation industry, I think it is expected. This year, the epidemic accelerated the marketization of the sanitation industry, and this epidemic has made people's demand for public services more intense. In the process of the national anti epidemic campaign, the overall planning ability of the environmental sanitation industry after marketization has been fully developed. It can be said that the government and enterprises have made great contribution to the close cooperation and efficient cooperation with the market mechanism in the protection of anti epidemic. "

Normalization of epidemic prevention

If we say that the most difficult term in 2020 is "epidemic". However, what is ignored by many people is that there are also a group of "street angels" - sanitation workers who fight side by side with the "angels in white" who save lives and heal the wounded. In response to this, Chen Liyuan sighed, "in the battle with COVID-19, our sanitation workers and medical workers have not been flinch and courageously retrograde. They have been fighting at the forefront of the" epidemic prevention ": in ensuring the normal collection, transportation and disposal of domestic waste, they are also responsible for the collection of high-risk waste, such as waste masks, isolation zones, domestic refuse and so on. The work of elimination, killing and transshipment has effectively guaranteed the order of people's daily life and effectively reduced the risk of the spread of domestic waste. "

"At that time, it was really difficult for us. In the two months when the anti epidemic materials were most tense, we tried every means to raise anti epidemic materials, and concentrated on purchasing and allocating more than 800000 masks, 200000 gloves and some protective clothing for front-line workers." Chen Liyuan recalled that all the efforts are worth it. Up to now, all the employees working in the front line of zhonghuanjie have achieved "zero infection".

While summing up and promoting the experience gained in the early stage of anti epidemic work, zhonghuanjie has also continuously innovated the operation mode and management mode, and actively explored the new measures of "normalized epidemic prevention" in the sanitation industry. First of all, do a good job in the reserve of protective materials, improve the protection standards, and reduce the risk of infection of front-line workers; Secondly, increase the proportion of mechanized operation, reduce the number of front-line workers, reduce the probability of infection; Thirdly, adjust the work scheduling of vulnerable groups, reduce the employment rate of senior and weak employees in high-risk areas, and reduce the infection risk of vulnerable groups; Fourth, strengthen the propaganda and guidance and protection training to improve the protection awareness and ability of the staff; Fifthly, we should set up an emergency mobile team for epidemic prevention, so as to avoid affecting the normal order of social life in case of any situation; Finally, we should enrich the strength of Party and mass organizations, mobilize and give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members and backbones, and ensure that we can go and win in the first time in case of any situation. "

Refinement of management -- intelligent devices improve work efficiency

Environmental sanitation industry is a labor-intensive industry. From the perspective of enterprise management, the standardization of management system, the refinement of operation plan, the standardization of operation implementation, the specialization of management team, and the wisdom of supervision means are the inevitable requirements to realize "refinement management". As for zhonghuanjie's experience in promoting "fine management" of enterprises, Chen Liyuan said: "zhonghuanjie has established a complete set of" fine management "system in operation management, quality management, safety management, data management and cost control. It strives to make sure that there are rules to follow and laws to follow, and through system training and publicity, Make rules and regulations deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, reduce and avoid the randomness of work. At the same time, smooth communication channels for employees, answer questions and listen to opinions and suggestions of employees, so that rules and regulations can be grounded, implemented and effective. "

"The refined management of zhonghuanjie is inseparable from the logistics support mechanism with high standard, high quality and high efficiency. Zhonghuanjie has increased capital investment, strictly controlled the quality of procurement and infrastructure construction, and made great efforts to create good working conditions and working environment for employees, so as to ensure that employees can work with ease, ease and satisfaction, so as to improve their work efficiency. "

"Zhonghuanjie fully embraces the" intelligent era ", accelerates the digital transformation of the enterprise, carries out strategic cooperation with the top vehicle and equipment manufacturing enterprises in the industry, and relies on the new infrastructure of 5g + industrial Internet to build an innovative infrastructure of enterprise industry university research integration, so as to realize product and service innovation and comprehensively improve the user experience. Joint research and development of the leading intelligent application system in the environmental sanitation industry, enabling the digital transformation of enterprises. "

"Take the garbage classification implemented in many cities as an example. In the short term, garbage sorting will lead to the increase of the cost of subsequent collection and transfer of sanitation. However, from the perspective of long-term development, this is a good development opportunity for the sanitation industry. The pressure brought by the waste classification project can urge enterprises to accelerate the process of fine management and intelligent operation, and the increase of cost and workload will also decrease with the development of mechanization and intelligence and the expansion of service scope. "

Younger staff: new blood brought by cognitive change

The employees in the traditional sanitation industry always give people the impression of "old age and low education". However, with the continuous upgrading of "mechanization and digitization" in sanitation enterprises, the demand for employees has changed from "hard-working" to "knowledge and skills". As for the opportunities and challenges for young people to join the sanitation industry, Chen Liyuan summed up: "with the upgrading of the sanitation industry, the mechanization and intelligence of the sanitation industry are constantly improving, and the practitioners in the sanitation industry are changing to specialization, technicalization and rejuvenation. This is not only the development trend, but also the requirement of the industry.

"Demand is opportunity. Although there is no traditional sanitation specialty in Colleges and universities and society, the current large demand for computer application, equipment manufacturing research and development, enterprise management and other professional and multi type jobs in the sanitation industry will inevitably create more opportunities for young people who join the sanitation industry."

"There are also challenges in organic encounters. The challenges mainly come from the following three aspects. First of all, the understanding of the industry: one sidedly think that the sanitation industry is the bottom logic of the traditional sense of sweeping the street, because of the face is not willing to engage in. Secondly, the cognition of the major: superficial thought that the science and technology content of sanitation major is not high, overqualified, disdain to engage in. Finally, the understanding of development: simply think that there is not much potential to do sanitation work, limited development, do not want to engage in

"With the continuous advancement of the marketization process of the sanitation industry and the advancement of mechanization and intellectualization, these traditional perceptions are changing. Now we can see that there is a market space of nearly 300 billion yuan per year in the environmental sanitation industry, and the market development will be great; At the same time, the operation data collected by smart sanitation need to refine algorithms, and figure out how to schedule shifts, how to operate, how to equip machinery combinations, and how to plan routes. The sanitation industry needs high-tech talents, and the sanitation industry can let these people play their role and value. "

The year 2020 will soon pass, and the opportunities and challenges faced by the sanitation industry will continue. Like thousands of sanitation people, Chen Liyuan is looking forward to this traditional industry seizing the opportunity of industrial upgrading to realize a comprehensive "transformation".

Editor in chief: Zhang Jingwen

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