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Big data era of smart sanitation Sanitation industry has huge development space

2022-04-20 10:42:58

In recent years, with the continuous expansion of sanitation market, smart sanitation, as an important part of smart city construction, plays an important role in promoting the integration of urban and rural sanitation, breaking garbage siege, promoting garbage classification and other aspects. Through the information service products of intelligent sanitation, the quality of sanitation operation and quota operation can be more in line with scientific standards, and the professional collection and transportation route of solid waste can be optimized. Smart sanitation is not only the innovation of traditional urban sanitation operation mode, but also the subversion of the previous sanitation supervision mode.

On October 28, 2016, the first China Smart Sanitation Summit Forum and the 2016 Annual Meeting of cCIAC Smart Sanitation Special Committee was grandly held in Beijing. A number of media from China Urban Environmental Health Association, smart sanitation special committee of Central Committee and various provincial and municipal sanitation departments, intelligent field outstanding representatives, experts and scholars, smart sanitation enterprise representatives, Polaris energy conservation and environmental protection network attended the environmental protection conference (forum).


Big data strategy brings new ideas to the development of sanitation industry

Zhang Pingwen, academician of The Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Academic Committee of the Beijing Big Data Research Institute, attended the conference as a guest. Zhang Pingwen believes that at present, the big data strategy is ubiquitous in all fields of society, and it will be deeply combined with all levels and fields of the sanitation industry. The value of big data can be reflected by landing in the sanitation industry, and the sanitation industry can also use big data to achieve optimization and upgrading. Information platform is the premise and foundation of big data application, and data analysis and mining is the core of big data application. The big data strategy of the sanitation industry should be implemented step by step, and needs the efforts of the industry itself and the joint support of scientific research institutions and service providers.

Smart sanitation is the combination of big data and sanitation information. As for the sanitation industry, big data of sanitation should have the same value and provide stronger support for sanitation operations, planning and management. Smart sanitation realizes the accumulation of big data of sanitation, and conversely, big data of sanitation makes smart sanitation possible. So, what are the main valuable applications of big data in smart sanitation?

According to Zhang Pingwen, the sanitation industry can be divided vertically into government departments, industrial alliances and sanitation enterprises, and horizontally into sanitation equipment, sanitation services and waste treatment and other business fields. Big data can be deeply combined with various business levels and business fields of the sanitation industry. In the field of sanitation services, big data can analyze the changing rules of city appearance in specific areas such as intersections, squares and stations, and timely arrange forces to carry out cleaning more effectively. To realize data docking with factories, restaurants and other units with a large amount of garbage output, realize centralized garbage collection and reduce garbage exposure time; Master the different needs of municipal greening during holidays and at ordinary times, and plant and put green plants according to the characteristics of vegetation growth. Big data and the integration of the sanitation industry complement each other.

Necessity and feasibility of starting big data strategy in sanitation enterprises

In today's era of big data, the accuracy of data has become a concern of all industries, and they even doubt the accuracy of data because they do not know the source and method of data acquisition. For the sanitation industry, how to ensure the accuracy of the data? Academician Zhang Pingwen explained that, from the perspective of top-level planning, data standards can be determined through the industry alliance so that the data can be trading and flowing, which requires more work from the CCIAC Smart Sanitation Committee. In addition, the embodiment of the value of data needs cross-border integration. The environmental protection industry association should connect more with the government, because the government has a large amount of data. Data in the sanitation industry belong to public services, and security issues are less sensitive than medical and financial data, and can be completely solved by technical means.

So how do you get accurate big data? Academician Zhang Pingwen explained that there are three main approaches: data-based computing, model-based computing and hybrid computing, through which the purpose of computing can be realized, namely, analyzing the cause, grasping the current situation and predicting the future. This also reveals the necessity and feasibility of starting big data strategy for sanitation enterprises.

The rapid development of marketization brings more market space for sanitation industry

In recent years, the support of national policies and the current situation of waste increment have catalyzed the development of sanitation industry and further increased the capacity of waste treatment market. In terms of domestic waste, the annual output of municipal waste in China is about 180 million tons, that of county waste is about 60 million tons, and that of rural waste is about 110 million tons, and the total amount can reach 360 million tons. The cost of a ton of garbage from front-end collection, transportation to post-treatment is about 300-500 yuan, so it can be calculated that the domestic garbage treatment market in China can reach 100 billion yuan per year, and the annual market of road cleaning alone can reach about 50 billion yuan.

As for the development of China's sanitation industry, Academician Zhang Pingwen said that China's sanitation industry can be divided into three stages. Before 2000, the government administratively led the development. From 2000 to 2010, it was in small-scale marketization stage; After 2010, it entered the stage of market promotion. The market trend of sanitation industry will accelerate the process of state-owned enterprises entering the sanitation industry. In terms of the future development trend of the sanitation market, Academician Zhang Pingwen predicted that by 2019, the total scale of the sanitation industry (including sanitation equipment, sanitation services, waste treatment) will usher in a market space of more than 220 billion yuan.

In the broad market space, the sanitation market needs to develop to a more intelligent, information, refined, integrated direction, among which, intelligent has become a new trend of industry development. Intelligent sanitation relies on the Internet of things technology to realize the real-time monitoring of sanitation workers and sanitation equipment, which can timely allocate tasks and improve the ability to respond to emergencies, greatly improve the management efficiency of enterprises and effectively reduce management costs. In addition to improving the effect of traditional operations, smart sanitation also brings new possibilities to traditional sanitation business models, such as the implementation of logistics and express delivery, equipment advertising space rental, door-to-door recycling of renewable resources and other additional services combined with the Internet.

Intelligent sanitation provides a scientific route for waste front-end treatment

Smart sanitation provides a scientific route for the front-end treatment of garbage. Future sanitation management needs to be improved from other aspects, such as garbage reduction, mainly through garbage classification, which makes garbage collection, transportation and terminal treatment more refined and scientific.

Smart sanitation, as the engine of the information construction of the domestic sanitation industry, will make the management nodes of the entire sanitation industry give full play to the advantages of accessory combination and improve work efficiency and service quality through the way of interconnection and iot.

At the same time, smart sanitation construction faces many difficulties and challenges: How to make the sanitation work norm operation quality conforms to the scientific standard, how to make the solid wastes accepted professional transportation route optimization, how to make the large and medium-sized city sanitation infrastructure construction and the layout is more reasonable, how to make the city garbage classification and recycling disposal docking is more refined, etc., at the same time, also need to further optimize the sanitation supervision mechanism and system, so to speak, Smart sanitation construction is not only an innovation of the traditional urban sanitation operation mode, but also a subversion of the previous sanitation supervision mode, with both opportunities and challenges.

The era of smart sanitation has arrived, and we have every reason to believe that there will be more new scenes in the sanitation industry in the future. Let's look forward to it together!

Source: Polaris solid Waste network


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